Gin and Tea

Here is a recipe we tried this weekend, try it its really fantastic we have added it to our recipe blog, so you get the whole recipe there with idears and suggestion when ever you will need it Why not !!!, share this new way to enjoy your tea drinks with your customers
Here is a recipe we tried this weekend, try it its really fantastic we have added it to our recipe blog, so you get the whole recipe there with idears and suggestion when ever you will need it Why not !!!, share this new way to enjoy your tea drinks with your customers
here is what you need
Tea Cocktail 2 cl. Gin 2 cl. Fresh Lemon juice 4 cl. Pasturised Egg White 4 cl. Carbonated Water and a handfull of ice cubes Mix the Gin, Lemon Juice Tea Sirup*, Pasturised Egg white and the ice cubes in a shaker, shake well serve in your favorite drink glas, mix in the carbonated water and garnish after your wish
*How to make your own Tea Sirup
Use 2 supertea envelopes (choose your favorite) 100 ml water and 100g sugar melt the sugar in the water and let the tea infuse for 3 hours in you refriguartor
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